English Plus)隐私权政策》(下以下简称“本政策 /本隐私权政策”)并提醒您:
“朗文家(Longman English Plus)”为上海皇家网络科技有限公司设计开发,并由上海皇家网络科技有限公司提供相应的服务。
本政策适用于朗文家(Longman English
Plus)产品或服务(以下简称“本服务”),本政策不适用于其他第三方向您提供的服务,朗文家(Longman English Plus)上的其他卖家依托平台向您提供服务时,您向卖家提供的个人信息不适用本政策。
我们仅会出于以下目的,收集和使用您的个人信息,并且仅限于为您提供“朗文家(Longman English
1. 用户注册:用户在注册账号是时,需要填写手机号进行注册,手机号作为用户账号的唯一识别ID(每个手机号仅能注册一个朗文家(Longman English
2. 账户注销:如果您决定停止使用朗文家(Longman English Plus),则您可以对您的账户进行注销,账户注销可以在“朗文家(Longman English
4. 个性化推荐:当前朗文家(Longman English Plus)支持上新书本的推荐和基于用户做定向推荐。
5. 交付产品或服务功能:用户在朗文家(Longman English
6. 客服与售后:用户在联系客服时,我们可能会保存您的聊天记录或留下您的联系方式,以便在回访时帮助您解决问题,我们的客服会使用您的账号信息与您核验身份。
7. 具体特定功能 用户在使用本服务中的特定功能时,需要特定权限才能正常使用,除法律规定情形外,在获取这些权限时,我们都将事先询问征求您的同意。这些权限申请包括朗文家(Longman
English Plus)及集成的第三方SDK:
a. 在您首次打开朗文家(Longman English Plus)时,我们将在您授权后读取您的设备信息,用以保障朗文家(Longman English
Plus)App应用服务的正常使用,更准确定位和解决在使用过程中遇到的问题、改进及优化朗文家(Longman English
b. 在您首次使用朗文家(Longman English
c. 在您扫码解锁书本或进行英语视频配音时,我们将申请获取您的摄像头/相册权限,如果您拒绝授授权该权限,您将无法通过相机或相册使用相关的解锁,配音等功能。
d. 在您首次使用语音评测、绘本配音,视频配音,卡拉OK等功能时,我们将申请获取您的录音/麦克风权限,如果您拒绝授权该权限,您将无法正常使用这些功能。
e. 在您使用朗文家(Longman English Plus)时,会收到APP的个性化推送,如果您不想接收此类推送,可通过【我】-【右上角齿轮按钮】-【个性化广告】进行关闭。
f. 在您使用朗文家(Longman English
1. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了深圳市和讯华谷信息技术有限公司的;
2. 朗文家(Longman English
Crash信息及线程堆栈、ROM/RAM/SD容量、网络状态、App信息、包名、设备信息, SIM序列号, Android_ID,设备IMEI,会收集
English Plus)更好的地定位和解决崩溃或ANR问题以及精准推送相关信息,具体详见《
3. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司的
4. 朗文家(Longman English
5. 朗文家(Longman English
Plus)App集成了支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司的支付宝SDK,支付宝SDK获取Phone_State权限,收集您的设备标识信息IMEI、可能会获取IMSI(如禁止可能对您的账户支付宝支付安全造成影响)、网络状态(用于优化您的支付网络环境)、读取写入外部储存(用于处理和缓存您的支付订单及支付状态),具体请见 《
6. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了腾讯云的
智聆口语评测SDK,智聆口语评测SDK为朗文家(Longman English
Plus)提供语音评测功能,应用于朗文家(Longman English
English Plus)内的评测功能将不能正常使用,详见《
7. 朗文家(Longman English
定位(如禁止可能会对您的账户支付安全造成影响),IMSI(如禁止可能对您的账户支付安全造成影响)、网络状态(用于优化您的支付网络环境)、读取写入外部储存(用于处理和缓存您的支付订单及支付状态),具体请见 《
8. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了深圳乐播科技有限公司的
9. 朗文家(Longman English
1. 事先获得您明确的同意或授权;
2. 根据适用的法律法规、法律程序的要求、强制性的行政或司法要求所必须的情况进行提供;
3. 符合与您签署的相关协议(包括在线签署的电子协议以及相应的平台规则)或其他的法律文件约定所提供;
4. 在涉及合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易时,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受本隐私政策的约束,否则,我们将要求该公司、组织重新向您征求授权同意。
1. 根据您的需求,在您明确同意的披露方式下披露您所指定的个人信息;
2. 根据法律、法规的要求、强制性的行政执法或司法要求所必须提供您个人信息的情况下,我们可能会依据所要求的个人信息类型和披露方式公开披露您的个人信息。在符合法律法规的前提下,当我们收到上述披露信息的请求时,我们会要求必须出具与之相应的法律文件,如传票或调查函。我们坚信,对于要求我们提供的信息,应该在法律允许的范围内尽可能保持透明。我们对所有的请求都进行了慎重的审查,以确保其具备合法依据,且仅限于执法部门因特定调查目的且有合法权利获取的数据。在法律法规许可的前提下,我们披露的文件均在加密密钥的保护之下。
1. 我们非常重视您的个人信息安全。我们成立了专门的安全团队,努力采取各种合理的物理、电子和管理方面等一切合理可行的安全措施来保护您的个人信息,并尽最大合理努力使您的个人信息不会被泄漏、毁损或者丢失,包括但不限于SSL、信息加密存储、数据中心的访问控制。
2. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App已通过信息系统安全等级保护2级备案。
3. 尽管有上述第1款的约定,但是请您理解并明白,由于存在各种各样无法预知或现有技术无法防御的恶意手段,即便我们已经尽力采取必要的保护措施,您的信息仍有可能被泄露、毁损或灭失。如您发现您的账号、密码因任何原因已经或者将要泄露时,您应当立即跟与我们联系,以便我们可以及时采取应对措施防止或减少您的相关损失。
4. 如果我们发生企业合并、分立等情形的,则您的信息将由届时存续的企业主体继续履行保护义务,并由我们以公告、短信或其他书面方式通知您;如果我们的产品、服务停止运营的,则我们将及时停止继续收集您的信息,并以公告、短信等方式通知您,届时我们将对您的信息进行及时删除处理。
5. 若不幸发生个人信息安全事件,我们会启动应急预案,阻止安全事件扩大,并及时告知用户或监护人。安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、用户可自主防范或降低风险的建议、对用户或监护人的补救措施等。事件相关情况我们将以邮件、信函、电话、推送通知等方式告知用户或监护人,难以逐一告知用户个人信息主体时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。
1. 您的个人信息数据将存储在中华人民共和国境内,不存在出境行为。
3. 如果我们终止服务或运营,我们会至少提前三十日向您通知,并在终止服务或运营后对您的个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。
尽管当地法律和习俗对儿童的定义不同,但我们将不满 14周岁的任何人均视为儿童。
1. 对于收集到的儿童的个人信息,我们除遵守本隐私政策关于用户个人信息保护的约定外,还会切实按照《儿童个人信息网络保护规定》的要求,遵循正当必要、知情同意、目的明确、安全保障、依法利用的原则。
2. 我们严格遵循《网络安全法》、《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》、《儿童个人信息网络保护规定》等法律法规的要求进行存储、使用、披露收集到的儿童个人信息,且不会超过实现收集、使用目的所必须的期限,到期后我们会对儿童个人信息进行删除或匿名化处理。
3. 当您作为监护人为被监护的儿童选择我们的相关服务时,我们可能需要向您收集被监护儿童的个人信息,用于向您履行相关服务之必要。在具体的服务中需要向您收集儿童个人信息的,我们会事先取得您的授权同意,并告知您收集的目的和用途。如果您不提供前述信息,您将无法享受我们提供的相关服务。此外,您在选择还是年级、学校等功能时,可能会主动向我们提供儿童的个人信息,请您明确知悉并谨慎选择。您作为监护人应当正确履行监护职责,保护儿童个人信息安全。若儿童本人需要注册或使用我们的产品或服务,您应当正确引导并予以监护。
4. 儿童或者监护人有权访问、更正、删除儿童个人信息。如您对儿童个人信息相关事宜有任何意见、建议和诉求,请联系我们。我们会随时为您提供服务。
当您使用朗文家(Longman English Plus )App时,您可以通过本隐私政策中的“联系我们”所载的方式来行使您的如下个人信息权利:
1. 查询和复制权。您有权查询您在使用App过程中我们收集和产生的个人信息以及中国法律要求我们提供的信息,并有权复制您的个人信息。
2. 更正和补充权。如您发现您提供的信息不准确或不全面,您可以随时选择更正或补充您的个人信息。
3. 删除权。当您选择不再使用我们的产品和服务时,您可以选择删除您的个人信息,但您应理解删除信息后,您可能会无法使用我们特定的产品或服务。
4. 注销权。账户注销可以在“朗文家(Longman English
5. 限制处理或拒绝处理。您可以要求我们停止处理您的个人信息,或限制我们在特定情形下处理您的个人信息,但是您应理解,在您行使此权利时,我们可能无法为您提供特定的产品或服务。
6. 解释说明权。如您对本隐私政策内的内容无法理解,您有权要求我们对如何处理您的个人信息进行解释说明。
7. 撤回同意权。如您点击同意我们收集您的信息时,您可以随时撤回您的同意,但撤回同意可能会导致您的特定产品或服务受到影响无法使用,同时撤回同意可能会导致您的特定信息被删除。
8. 退订营销。您有权随时通过邮件内的取消订阅,或联系我们,来退订我们发送给您的营销推广材料。
1. 为给您提供更好的服务以及随着朗文家(Longman English
Plus)业务的发展,本隐私政策也会随之更新。但未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您依据本隐私政策所应享有的权利。我们会通过在朗文家(Longman English Plus)网站、朗文家(Longman
English Plus)移动端上发出更新版本并在生效前通过网站公告或以其他适当方式提醒您相关内容的更新,也请您访问朗文家(Longman English Plus)以便及时了解最新的隐私政策。
2. 对于重大变更,我们还会提供更为显著的通知(我们会通过包括但不限于邮件、短信或在浏览页面做特别提示等方式,说明隐私政策的具体变更内容)。 本隐私政策所指的重大变更包括但不限于:
1. 我们的服务模式发生重大变化。如处理个人信息的目的、处理的个人信息类型、个人信息的使用方式等;
2. 我们在所有权结构、组织架构等方面发生重大变化。如业务调整、破产并购等引起的所有者变更等;
3. 个人信息共享、转让或公开披露的主要对象发生变化;
4. 您参与个人信息处理方面的权利及其行使方式发生重大变化;
5. 我们负责处理个人信息安全的责任部门、联络方式及投诉渠道发生变化时;
6. 个人信息安全影响评估报告表明存在高风险时。
1. 如您在使用过程中有任何疑问,可通过朗文家(Longman English
2. 如您对本协议有任何的疑问、建议或投诉,也通过以下方式联系我们
Copyright © 2014-2030
皇家网络 版权所有
Thank you for your trust in us. Your trust is very important to us. We are fully
aware of the importance of personal information. We will take corresponding security measures in
accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations to fully protect the personal information of
all users. Based on this, 朗文家(Longman English Plus) (hereinafter referred to as "we") formulates the
privacy policy of
朗文家(Longman English Plus) (hereinafter referred to as "this policy") and reminds all users:
This policy is applicable to the products or services of 朗文家(Longman English
Plus). This
policy is not applicable to the services provided to you by other third parties. When other sellers on
朗文家(Longman English Plus) rely on the platform to provide services to you, the personal information you
provide to the
seller is not applicable to this policy.
This policy is closely related to your use of our products or services. We
suggest that you carefully read and understand all the contents of this policy and make the appropriate
choices you think appropriate. We will express it in concise and concise words, and mark the terms in
this policy that have a significant relationship with your rights and interests, and mark them in bold
font. Please note.
In order to comply with national laws, regulations and regulations, and to
provide you with products or services and improve the quality of service, we need to collect, store, use
and provide your information to the outside world. You agree that we will handle your information in
accordance with the provisions of this policy so that you can obtain high-quality and convenient
services and better protect your personal information security.
What information will we collect from you
1. In the process of registering your account or using this service, you may need to fill in or submit
some necessary information, such as personal mobile phone number and other laws and regulations, and the
identity information required to be filled in by regulatory documents. If the information submitted by
the user is incomplete or does not comply with the legal provisions, the user may not be able to use our
product, service or in the process of using this product There are restrictions on the use of computers.
2, mobile phone name refers to personal information or personal privacy information, such as user's
real name, ID number, personal photo, mobile phone number, mobile device identification code, IP
address, user information record. Non personal privacy information refers to the basic record
information, other ordinary information outside the scope of personal privacy information, and the above
privacy information that the user agrees to disclose, which are clearly and objectively reflected in the
server of Shanghai royal network technology, such as the user's operation status and usage habits of the
product and service.
3. When you register and log in to 朗文家(Longman English Plus), you can create an account through your
mobile phone
number, and you can improve the relevant network identification information (avatar, nickname,
password). The mobile phone information is to help you complete and perfect the registration. You can
also choose to fill in gender, birthday language and so on according to your own needs to improve your
4. When you use the voice evaluation, interactive practice and other functions in our app, we will
ask you to authorize the camera, photo and microphone. If you refuse the authorization, you will not be
able to use this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of 朗文家(Longman
English Plus).
5. In order to give users a better use experience, we will collect equipment related information by
obtaining IMEI number.
6. In order to give users a better use experience, when users use some functions of our app, such as
opening relevant documents in "class file", we will obtain the user's software installation list to
achieve the best use effect.
7. When you use the invite friends function of Longman English plus, we will apply to obtain the
information of
the pasteboard for user source analysis and in app activity promotion. If you refuse to authorize and
change your
permission, you will not be able to use this part of the function normally.
A.When you use Longman English plus, you will receive personalized push from app. If you don't want
to receive such push, you can close it through [i] - [gear button in the upper right corner] -
[personalized advertising].
How we will use the scope of your information
1. We or our third-party partners may use user information through cookies, UA, geographic location,
mobile phone and Internet, and store the information as log information. We use our own cookies, UA and
geographic location to provide users with more personalized user experience and services, and use them
for the following purposes:
2. Analyze users' use of our products and services. For example, we can use cookies, UA and
geographical location to understand what activities users use our products and services for, and what
parts of our products and services are welcomed by users.
3. Our products and services may have cookies, UA and geographical location placed by third-party
SDK or other partners. This information may collect user related non personally identifiable information
to analyze how users use the service. The collection and use of such information by the third party's
cookies, UA and geographical location are not subject to this privacy policy, but are subject to the
privacy policy of the relevant users. We do not assume responsibility for the cookies, UA and
geographical location of the third party.
4. Users can set and reject or manage cookies, UA and geographic location information through
terminal devices. Once users choose to stop using, they may not be able to enjoy the best service
experience of our products and services, and some functions may not work normally.
5、App function event related information, get the installed app information of your device, and
ensure the normal use of relevant service functions in the app.
6、Relevant third party policy information is as follows:
JG Privacy Policy
JG Developer service
Tencent browsing
Tencent bugly
Tencent social guangdiantong
privacy policy
Webcast projection
Webcast projection
How do we use your information
We strictly abide by the provisions of laws and regulations and the agreement with users, and use the
collected information for the following purposes. If we use the user information beyond the following
purposes, we will explain it again and obtain the user's consent.
1. Provide services to users to
meet their personalized needs.
2. Product development and service optimization. For example, when our system fails, we will record
and analyze the information generated when the system fails to optimize our services.
3. Security. For example, we will use user information for authentication, security, anti fraud
monitoring, archive backup, customer security services and other purposes.
4. Recommend services and information that users may be interested in.
5. Management software. For example, software certification, software upgrade, etc.
6. Respecting the privacy of users' personal privacy information is the consistent system of
Shanghai royal network technology. Shanghai royal network technology will take technical measures and
other necessary measures to ensure the security of users' personal privacy information and prevent the
disclosure, damage or loss of users' personal privacy information collected in this service in case of
the above situation or the existence of Shanghai royal network technology When the above situation is
possible, remedial measures will be taken in time.
7. Shanghai royal network technology will not disclose the user's personal privacy information to
any third party without the user's consent. Except for the following specific circumstances:
A. Shanghai royal network technology provides users' personal privacy
information in accordance with laws and regulations or instructions of competent authorities;
B. In order to improve products and services, the personal privacy
information collected by us is limited to the use of Shanghai royal network technology. All information
will not be provided to any third party including the partners of Shanghai royal network technology.
C. Any leakage of personal information caused by the user informing others
of the user password or sharing the registered account and password with others, or other leakage of
personal privacy information not caused by Shanghai royal network technology.
D. Users disclose their personal privacy information to a third party on
their own;
E. Any hacker attack, computer virus intrusion and other force majeure
events lead to the disclosure of user's personal privacy information.
8. The user agrees that Shanghai royal network technology can use the user's personal privacy
information in the following matters:
A. Shanghai royal network technology sends important notices to users in
time, such as software updates and changes in the terms of this agreement;
B. Shanghai royal network technology conducts internal audit, data analysis
and research to improve our products, services and communication with users;
C. Shanghai royal network technology's partners conduct data analysis and research to improve their
products, services and communication with users;
D. According to the agreement, Shanghai royal network technology management, review of user information
and processing measures;
E. Other matters stipulated by applicable laws and regulations;
9. In addition to the above matters, Shanghai royal network technology will not use the user's
personal privacy information for any other purposes without the user's prior consent.
10. The user's geographic location information is personal privacy information. The successful
registration of the "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account by the user is regarded as the confirmation of
the authorization
of Shanghai royal network technology to extract and use the user's geographic location information.
11. In order to improve the technology and service of Shanghai royal network technology and provide
users with better service quality, Shanghai royal network may collect and use the user's non personal
privacy information by itself or provide it to a third party.
Content specification
1. The content described in this chapter refers to any content produced, uploaded, copied, released and
disseminated by users in the process of using the product and services, including but not limited to
account information, user instructions and other registration information and authentication
information, or text, voice, picture, video, graphic and other sending, reply or automatic reply
messages and related link pages, as well as other accounts or services The content of this product and
2. Users are not allowed to use the "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account or this product or service to
make, upload,
copy, publish or disseminate the following contents prohibited by laws, regulations and policies:
A. Opposing the basic principles established by the constitution;
B. Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining
national unity;
C. Damaging the honor and interests of the state;
D. Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination and undermining ethnic unity;
E. Sabotaging the state's religious policies and propagating heresy and feudal superstition;
F. Spreading rumors, disrupting social order or undermining social stability;
G. Those who are obscene, pornographic, gambling, violent, homicide, terrorist or abetting a crime;
H. Insulting or slandering others and infringing upon their legitimate rights and interests;
I. It contains other information prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
3. Users shall not use the "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account or this product or service to produce,
upload, copy,
publish or disseminate the following contents that interfere with the normal operation of "朗文家(Longman
English Plus)"
and infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:
A. Containing any sexual or sexual suggestion; suggestive;
B. Containing abusive, threatening or threatening contents;
C. Contains harassment, spam, malicious information, deception information;
D. Involving other people's privacy, personal information or data;
E. Infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, such as reputation right, portrait
right, intellectual property right, business secret, etc;
F. It contains other information that interferes with the normal operation of the product and service
and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.
Rules of use
1. Any content transmitted or released by users in or through the products or services does not reflect
or represent, nor shall it be deemed to reflect or represent the views, positions or policies of
Shanghai royal network technology. Shanghai royal network technology shall not bear any responsibility.
2. Users shall not use "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account or the product and service to perform the
A. Submitting or releasing false information, or misappropriating the head
image or information of others, pretending to use the name of others;
B. Forcing or inducing other users to pay attention to, click on the link
page or share information;
C. To make up facts, conceal the truth, dance, deceive others;
D. Establishing false accounts in batches by technical means;
E. Engaging in any illegal and criminal activities by using "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account or the
products and
F. To produce, publish, or operate or disseminate methods or tools related to the above actions, whether
or not they are for commercial purposes;
G. Other acts violating laws and regulations, infringing the legitimate rights and interests of other
users, interfering with the normal operation of "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" or the unauthorized
authorization of
Shanghai royal network technology.
3. The user shall be fully responsible for the authenticity, legality, harmlessness, accuracy and
validity of the information transmitted by using "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account or the product and
service. Any
legal liability related to the information transmitted by the user shall be borne by the user itself
and not related to the Shanghai royal network technology. If the damage is caused to the Shanghai
royal network technology or a third party, the user shall compensate according to law.
Account management
1. The ownership of the "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account belongs to Shanghai royal network
technology. After the
user completes the registration, he obtains the right to use the "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account.
The right to
use the "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account only belongs to the initial applicant, and it is forbidden
to donate,
borrow, rent, transfer or sell it. Due to business needs, Shanghai royal network technology has the
right to recover users' "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" accounts.
2. The user has the responsibility to keep the security of the registered account information and
account password. If the user does not keep the account properly, he may suffer from number theft or
password theft, and the responsibility is borne by the user himself. Users need to bear the legal
responsibility for the behavior under the registered account and password. The user agrees that the
account or password of other users shall not be applicable under any circumstances. If the user
suspects that someone else is using his account or password, the user agrees to notify Shanghai
royal network immediately.
3. The user shall abide by any terms of this Agreement and use the products and services correctly
and appropriately. If the user violates any terms of this agreement, Shanghai royal network
technology shall have the right to interrupt or terminate the service provided to the defaulting
user's "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account according to the agreement after notifying the user.
Meanwhile, Shanghai
royal network reserves the right to withdraw the "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" account and user name at
any time.
4. If the user does not want to continue to use "朗文家(Longman English Plus)", he can apply to cancel the
account. If
the user does not log in one year after registering the "fingeabc" account, after notifying the
user, Shanghai royal network technology can withdraw the account, which will cause a waste of
resources, and the adverse consequences will be borne by the user.
5.If the user does not want to continue to use '朗文家(Longman English Plus)', he can apply for account
cancellation. The user can cancel the account by clicking the setting button icon in the upper right
corner of the "my" management interface on the home page of "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" software.
After the account
is cancelled, all relevant information of the user will be deleted, and our company will not retain
any data information.
Data management
1. Shanghai royal network technology is not responsible for the deletion or storage failure of
relevant data in this product or service.
2. Shanghai royal network technology can decide the longest storage period of users' data in the
product and service according to the actual situation, and allocate the maximum storage space for
the data on the server. Users can back up the relevant data of the product and service according to
their own needs.
3. If the user stops using or terminates using the product or service, Shanghai royal network
technology can permanently delete the user's data from the server. After the termination of this
product and service, Shanghai royal network technology has no obligation to return any data to the
Risk taking
1. The user understands and agrees that "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" only provides users with a platform
information sharing, transmission and acquisition. The user must be responsible for all behaviors
under his registered account, including any content transmitted by the user and any consequences
arising therefrom. Users shall make their own judgment on the contents of "朗文家(Longman English Plus)"
and the
products and services, and bear all the risks arising from the use of the contents, including the
risks arising from the reliance on the correctness, integrity or practicability of the contents.
Shanghai royal network technology cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by
user behavior.
2. If you find that anyone violates this agreement or uses this product or service in other improper
ways, please report or complain to Shanghai royal network technology immediately, and Shanghai royal
network technology will handle it in accordance with this agreement.
3. The user understands and agrees that due to the needs of business development, Shanghai royal
network technology reserves the right to unilaterally change, suspend, terminate or cancel all or
part of the service content of the product and service, and the user shall bear this risk.
Intellectual property
1. Except that the intellectual property rights of the contents involved in this product and service
are enjoyed by the partners of Shanghai royal network technology, the intellectual property rights
of the contents (including but not limited to words, pictures, audio, video, charts, etc.) provided
by Shanghai royal network technology in this product and service are owned by Shanghai royal network
technology, but the users shall publish their own opinions before using this product and service
Except that the content of the contract has legally acquired intellectual property rights.
2. Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, patent right and other intellectual property rights of
the software on which Shanghai royal network technology provides the products and services belong to
Shanghai royal network technology.
3. The copyright or trademark rights of the graphics, characters or their components involved in the
products and services of Shanghai royal network technology, as well as other marks of Shanghai royal
network technology and the names of products and services (hereinafter referred to as "marks")
belong to Shanghai royal network technology. Without the prior written consent of Shanghai royal
network technology, users shall not display, use or otherwise deal with Shanghai royal network
technology logo in any way, nor shall they show others that users have the right to display, use or
otherwise deal with Shanghai royal network technology logo.
4. The above and any other intellectual property rights legally owned by Shanghai royal network or
relevant partners are protected by law. Without the written permission of Shanghai royal network
technology or relevant partners, users are not allowed to use or create relevant derivative works in
any form.
Legal liability
1. If Shanghai royal network technology finds or receives a report or complaint from others about
the user's violation of this agreement, Shanghai royal network technology has the right to review
and delete the relevant contents, including but not limited to user information and chat records, at
any time without notice, and impose a warning, account blocking, device blocking and function
blocking on the account according to the seriousness of the case And inform the user of the result.
2. The user understands and agrees that Shanghai royal network technology has the right to punish
those who violate the relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement in
accordance with reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal actions against any user who violates
the laws and regulations, keep relevant information in accordance with the laws and regulations, and
report to the relevant departments. The user shall bear all legal responsibilities arising
3. The user understands and agrees that in case of any claim, demand or loss claimed by any third
party, including reasonable lawyer's fees, arising from the user's breach of this agreement, the
user shall compensate Shanghai royal network technology and Cooperation Co., Ltd. and its affiliated
companies and protect them from damages.
Force majeure and other exemptions
1、 Users understand and confirm that in the process of using this service, they may encounter risk
factors such as force majeure, which may cause the interruption of this product and service. Force
majeure refers to unforeseeable, insurmountable, unavoidable and objective events that have a
significant impact on Party B or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such
as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, as well as social events such as war, turmoil,
government behavior, etc. In case of the above situation, Shanghai royal network technology will try
its best to cooperate with relevant units at the first time and repair them in time. However,
Shanghai royal network technology and its cooperative units shall be exempted from liability within
the scope permitted by law for the losses caused to users or third parties.
2、 Like most Internet services, this product and service are affected by, but not limited to, the
differences of users' reasons, network service quality, social environment and other factors, and
may be harassed by various security problems, such as other people's use of users' information,
causing harassment in display life; Users now install other software or visit other websites
containing "Trojan horse" and other viruses, which threaten the security of users' information and
data, and then affect the normal use of this product and service, etc. Users should strengthen the
awareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attention to strengthen password
protection to avoid loss and harassment.
3、 The user understands and confirms that the product and service have the risk of service
interruption or failure to meet the user's requirements caused by force majeure, computer virus or
hacker attack, system instability, user's location, user shutdown and any other technology, Internet
or communication line, resulting in any loss of the user or the third party, Shanghai royal network
technology does not assume any responsibility.
4、 The user understands and confirms that in the process of using this product and service, there is
any misleading, deceptive, threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal information from any other
person, or anonymous or fake information infringing the rights of others, as well as any loss of the
user or the third party caused by the behavior accompanying such information, Shanghai royal network
technology does not assume any responsibility.
5、 The user understands and confirms that Shanghai royal network technology needs to repair or
maintain the "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" platform or related equipment regularly or irregularly. If the
service is
interrupted within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, Shanghai royal network technology
shall not bear any responsibility for this, but Shanghai royal network technology shall notify in
6、 According to laws and regulations, Shanghai royal network technology has the right to deal with
illegal or breach of contract content as agreed in this agreement. This right does not constitute
the obligation or commitment of Shanghai royal network technology. Shanghai royal network technology
can not guarantee to discover illegal or breach of contract behavior in time or to deal with it
7、 The user understands and confirms that Shanghai royal network technology shall not be liable for
the quality defects of the following products or services provided by Shanghai royal network
technology to the user and any losses caused by them:
A、 Shanghai royal network technology provides free services to users;
B、 Any product or service provided by Shanghai royal network technology to users.
8、 Under no circumstances shall Shanghai royal network technology be liable for any indirect,
consequential, punitive, accidental, special or punitive damages, including the loss of profits
suffered by users due to the use of "朗文家(Longman English Plus)" or the service (even if Shanghai royal
technology has been informed of the possibility of such losses). Although there may be contrary
provisions in this agreement, Shanghai royal network technology shall be fully responsible for the
user, no matter for any reason or in any way, it shall not exceed the fee (if any) paid by the user
to Shanghai royal network technology for using the services provided by Shanghai royal network
Change, interruption and termination of products and services
1. In view of the particularity of the network service, the user agrees that Shanghai royal network
technology has the right to change, interrupt or terminate part or all of the service (including
charging service) at any time. For the service changed, interrupted or terminated by Shanghai royal
network technology, Shanghai royal network technology shall notify the user before the change,
interruption or termination, and shall provide equivalent alternative service to the affected user;
if the user is unwilling to accept the alternative service, if the user has recharged the virtual
account of Shanghai royal network technology, Shanghai royal network technology shall According to
the user's actual use of the service, after deducting the corresponding money, the remaining money
will be returned to the user's virtual account.
2. In case of any of the following circumstances, Shanghai royal network technology has the right to
change, interrupt or terminate the free or charged services provided to users without any liability
to users or any third party:
A. According to the law, the user should submit true information, but the personal data provided by
the user is not true, or inconsistent with the information at the time of registration and fails to
provide reasonable proof;
B. The user violates the relevant laws and regulations or the agreement;
C. In accordance with the provisions of the law or the requirements of the competent authorities;
D. For safety reasons or other necessary circumstances.
Other considerations
1. Shanghai royal network technology solemnly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this
agreement which exempt Shanghai royal network technology from its responsibilities and restrict
users' rights. Please read them carefully and consider the risks independently. Minors should read
this agreement accompanied by their legal guardian and use the service with the consent of their
legal guardian.
2. The validity, interpretation and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the
laws of the people's Republic of China. In case of any dispute between the user and Shanghai royal
network technology, it shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the
user agrees to submit the dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction in the place where
Shanghai royal network technology is registered for settlement.
3. Any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, and the
remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.
隱私政策發佈時間: 2021-11-1
隱私政策生效時間: 2021-11-1
隱私政策更新時間: 2022-4-24
English Plus)隱私權政策》(下以下簡稱“本政策 /本隱私權政策”)並提醒您:
“朗文家(Longman English Plus)”為上海皇家網路科技有限公司設計開發,並由上海皇家網路科技有限公司提供相應的服務。
本政策適用於朗文家(Longman English
Plus)產品或服務(以下簡稱“本服務”),本政策不適用於其他協力廠商向您提供的服務,朗文家(Longman English Plus)上的其他賣家依託平臺向您提供服務時,您向賣家提供的個人資訊不適用本政策。
我們僅會出於以下目的,收集和使用您的個人資訊,並且僅限於為您提供“朗文家(Longman English
1. 用戶註冊:使用者在註冊帳號是時,需要填寫手機號進行註冊,手機號作為用戶帳號的唯一識別ID(每個手機號僅能註冊一個朗文家(Longman English
2. 帳戶註銷:如果您決定停止使用朗文家(Longman English Plus),則您可以對您的帳戶進行註銷,帳戶註銷可以在“朗文家(Longman English
4. 個性化推薦:當前朗文家(Longman English Plus)支援上新書本的推薦和基於用戶做定向推薦。
5. 交付產品或服務功能:使用者在朗文家(Longman English
7. 具體特定功能
使用者在使用本服務中的特定功能時,需要特定許可權才能正常使用,除法律規定情形外,在獲取這些許可權時,我們都將事先詢問徵求您的同意。這些許可權申請包括朗文家(Longman English
a. 在您首次打開朗文家(Longman English Plus)時,我們將在您授權後讀取您的設備資訊,用以保障朗文家(Longman English
Plus)App應用服務的正常使用,更準確定位和解決在使用過程中遇到的問題、改進及優化朗文家(Longman English
b. 在您首次使用朗文家(Longman English
c. 在您掃碼解鎖書本或進行英語視頻配音時,我們將申請獲取您的攝像頭/相冊許可權,如果您拒絕授授權該許可權,您將無法通過相機或相冊使用相關的解鎖,配音等功能。
d. 在您首次使用語音評測、繪本配音,視頻配音,卡拉OK等功能時,我們將申請獲取您的錄音/麥克風許可權,如果您拒絕授權該許可權,您將無法正常使用這些功能。
e. 在您使用朗文家(Longman English Plus)時,會收到APP的個性化推送,如果您不想接收此類推送,可通過【我】-【右上角齒輪按鈕】-【個性化廣告】進行關閉。
f. 在您使用朗文家(Longman English
1. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了深圳市和訊華穀資訊技術有限公司的
2. 朗文家(Longman English
Crash資訊及執行緒堆疊、ROM/RAM/SD容量、網路狀態、App資訊、包名、設備資訊,SIM序號,Android_ ID ,設備IMEI,會收集
English Plus)更好的地定位和解決崩潰或ANR問題以及精准推送相關資訊,具體詳見《
3. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了深圳市騰訊電腦系統有限公司的
4. 朗文家(Longman English
5. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了騰訊雲的
智聆口語評測SDK,智聆口語評測SDK為朗文家(Longman English
Plus)提供語音評測功能,應用於朗文家(Longman English
English Plus)內的評測功能將不能正常使用,詳見《
6. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了支付寶(中國)網路技術有限公司的支付寶SDK,支付寶SDK獲取Phone_
7. 朗文家(Longman English
定位(如禁止可能會對您的帳戶支付安全造成影響),IMSI(如禁止可能對您的帳戶支付安全造成影響)、網路狀態(用於優化您的支付網路環境)、讀取寫入外部儲存(用於處理和緩存您的支付訂單及支付狀態),具體請見 《
8. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App集成了深圳樂播科技有限公司的
9. 朗文家(Longman English
1. 事先獲得您明確的同意或授權;
2. 根據適用的法律法規、法律程式的要求、強制性的行政或司法要求所必須的情況進行提供;
3. 符合與您簽署的相關協定(包括線上簽署的電子協定以及相應的平臺規則)或其他的法律檔約定所提供;
4. 在涉及合併、收購、資產轉讓或類似的交易時,如涉及到個人資訊轉讓,我們會要求新的持有您個人資訊的公司、組織繼續受本隱私政策的約束,否則,我們將要求該公司、組織重新向您徵求授權同意。
1. 根據您的需求,在您明確同意的披露方式下披露您所指定的個人資訊;
2. 根據法律、法規的要求、強制性的行政執法或司法要求所必須提供您個人資訊的情況下,我們可能會依據所要求的個人資訊類型和披露方式公開披露您的個人資訊。在符合法律法規的前提下,當我們收到上述披露資訊的請求時,我們會要求必須出具與之相應的法律檔,如傳票或調查函。我們堅信,對於要求我們提供的資訊,應該在法律允許的範圍內盡可能保持透明。我們對所有的請求都進行了慎重的審查,以確保其具備合法依據,且僅限於執法部門因特定調查目的且有合法權利獲取的資料。在法律法規許可的前提下,我們披露的檔均在加密金鑰的保護之下。
1. 我們非常重視您的個人資訊安全。我們成立了專門的安全團隊,努力採取各種合理的物理、電子和管理方面等一切合理可行的安全措施來保護您的個人資訊,並盡最大合理努力使您的個人資訊不會被洩漏、毀損或者丟失,包括但不限於SSL、資訊加密存儲、資料中心的存取控制。
2. 朗文家(Longman English Plus)App已通過資訊系統安全等級保護2級備案。
3. 儘管有上述第1款的約定,但是請您理解並明白,由於存在各種各樣無法預知或現有技術無法防禦的惡意手段,即便我們已經盡力採取必要的保護措施,您的資訊仍有可能被洩露、毀損或滅失。如您發現您的帳號、密碼因任何原因已經或者將要洩露時,您應當立即跟與我們聯繫,以便我們可以及時採取應對措施防止或減少您的相關損失。
4. 如果我們發生企業合併、分立等情形的,則您的資訊將由屆時存續的企業主體繼續履行保護義務,並由我們以公告、短信或其他書面方式通知您;如果我們的產品、服務停止運營的,則我們將及時停止繼續收集您的資訊,並以公告、短信等方式通知您,屆時我們將對您的資訊進行及時刪除處理。
5. 若不幸發生個人資訊安全事件,我們會啟動應急預案,阻止安全事件擴大,並及時告知用戶或監護人。安全事件的基本情況和可能的影響、我們已採取或將要採取的處置措施、用戶可自主防範或降低風險的建議、對用戶或監護人的補救措施等。事件相關情況我們將以郵件、信函、電話、推送通知等方式告知使用者或監護人,難以逐一告知使用者個人資訊主體時,我們會採取合理、有效的方式發佈公告。同時,我們還將按照監管部門要求,上報個人資訊安全事件的處置情況。
1. 您的個人資訊資料將存儲在中華人民共和國境內,不存在出境行為。。
3. 如果我們終止服務或運營,我們會至少提前三十日向您通知,並在終止服務或運營後對您的個人資訊進行刪除或匿名化處理。
儘管當地法律和習俗對兒童的定義不同,但我們將不滿 14周歲的任何人均視為兒童。
1. 對於收集到的兒童的個人資訊,我們除遵守本隱私政策關於使用者個人資訊保護的約定外,還會切實按照《兒童個人資訊網路保護規定》的要求,遵循正當必要、知情同意、目的明確、安全保障、依法利用的原則。
2. 我們嚴格遵循《網路安全法》、《中華人民共和國未成年人保護法》、《兒童個人資訊網路保護規定》等法律法規的要求進行存儲、使用、披露收集到的兒童個人資訊,且不會超過實現收集、使用目的所必須的期限,到期後我們會對兒童個人資訊進行刪除或匿名化處理。
3. 當您作為監護人為被監護的兒童選擇我們的相關服務時,我們可能需要向您收集被監護兒童的個人資訊,用於向您履行相關服務之必要。在具體的服務中需要向您收集兒童個人資訊的,我們會事先取得您的授權同意,並告知您收集的目的和用途。如果您不提供前述資訊,您將無法享受我們提供的相關服務。此外,您在選擇還是年級、學校等功能時,可能會主動向我們提供兒童的個人資訊,請您明確知悉並謹慎選擇。您作為監護人應當正確履行監護職責,保護兒童個人資訊安全。若兒童本人需要註冊或使用我們的產品或服務,您應當正確引導並予以監護。
4. 兒童或者監護人有權訪問、更正、刪除兒童個人資訊。如您對兒童個人資訊相關事宜有任何意見、建議和訴求,請聯繫我們。我們會隨時為您提供服務。
當您使用朗文家(Longman English Plus) App時,您可以通過本隱私政策中的“聯繫我們”所載的方式來行使您的如下個人資訊權利:
1. 查詢和複製權。您有權查詢您在使用App過程中我們收集和產生的個人資訊以及中國法律要求我們提供的資訊,並有權複製您的個人資訊。
2. 更正和補充權。如您發現您提供的資訊不準確或不全面,您可以隨時選擇更正或補充您的個人資訊。
3. 刪除權。當您選擇不再使用我們的產品和服務時,您可以選擇刪除您的個人資訊,但您應理解刪除資訊後,您可能會無法使用我們特定的產品或服務。
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6. 解釋說明權。如您對本隱私政策內的內容無法理解,您有權要求我們對如何處理您的個人資訊進行解釋說明。
7. 撤回同意權。如您點擊同意我們收集您的資訊時,您可以隨時撤回您的同意,但撤回同意可能會導致您的特定產品或服務受到影響無法使用,同時撤回同意可能會導致您的特定資訊被刪除。
8. 退訂行銷。您有權隨時通過郵件內的取消訂閱,或聯繫我們,來退訂我們發送給您的行銷推廣材料。
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1. 我們的服務模式發生重大變化。如處理個人資訊的目的、處理的個人資訊類型、個人資訊的使用方式等;
2. 我們在所有權結構、組織架構等方面發生重大變化。如業務調整、破產並購等引起的所有者變更等;
3. 個人資訊共用、轉讓或公開披露的主要對象發生變化;
4. 您參與個人資訊處理方面的權利及其行使方式發生重大變化;
5. 我們負責處理個人資訊安全的責任部門、聯絡方式及投訴管道發生變化時;
6. 個人資訊安全影響評估報告表明存在高風險時。
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